Watering Fertilization & Fertilization Controler

Our irrigation and fertilization controller automatically turns on water pumps, opens and closes valves, based on parameters and measurements.

Through the information provided by the different sensors we offer, soil moisture and temperature, phosphorus, potassium and pH that allow real-time monitoring of the levels of these nutrients in the soil, automated irrigation is guaranteed based on the real needs of your land, as well as optimal fertilization to improve crop productivity and reduce fertilizer waste. In addition, we have a water measurement sensor for windmill operations that allows us to monitor the efficient use of water, ensuring an irrigation flow based on water availability.

AgroInnova LLC
Optimizing irrigation and fertilization for efficiency.

Improvement in efficiency and productivity through irrigation & fertilization automation.

Watering Fertilization & Fertilization

By implementing an automated irrigation and fertilization system, the agricultural producer could optimize water and nutrient usage, enhancing crop efficiency and improving both yield and quality.

We provide intelligent automation systems designed to reduce manual labor costs and increase efficiency in fertilizer and irrigation application.

WFC01A-LW is designed for both indoor and outdoor use. The wireless technology used in WFC01A-LW allows device to send data and reach extremely long ranges at low data-rates. It provides ultra-long range spread spectrum communication and high interference immunity whilst minimizing current consumption.

WFC01A-LW supports wireless configuration and update which make user easy to use. WFC01A-LW has optional built-in SIM card to communicate with our platform AgroInnova CLOUD. Which makes it works with simple configuration.

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